Greetings from CIGAR REFUGE. Meet the best selection of cigars in the world, from Portugal’s top cigar store. Buy cigars with the best assured quality, at the best guaranteed pricing, all in one location.

All of our products, including Cuban and non-Cuban brands of cigars, come with a quality and price guarantee. Our cigars actually originate from La Casa Del Habano in Havana, one of the most reputable retailers in Cuba. When you purchase cigars from us, the transaction is simple and uncomplicated, much like our products.


When you order cigars from CIGAR REFUGE, you are not just receiving your cigar in the mail. What you get is a promise of the utmost commitment to product quality and customer service. This is the CIGAR REFUGE advantage.


A combined experience of 30 years in the industry, not only brokering top quality cigars but also struggling for its legalization, means that no one else can come close. We have one of the largest and most complete inventories of Cuban cigars, and we also offer some of the most competitive pricing. Before shipment, we process and inspect each and every order that comes in. To ensure that your cigars arrive to you in the best condition possible, we carefully pack our cigars with a humidity pack. 


For us, providing excellent customer service is of utmost importance and is achieved therefore as our top priority. This is why you’ll think of our service as unmatched. Since the majority of our clients come to us through recommendations and word of mouth, we make every effort to earn their continued business.
We would be grateful to have you join our worldwide cigar community to share plenty memorable cigar moments with you and fellow cigar smoking friends of yours.


CIGAR REFUGE is not just another regular online dispensary. Not only do we stock the largest collection of the most premium quality Cuban cigars in Europe, but also a wide range of Non- Cubans, topicals and more. A truly one-stop shop for everything related to cigars, CIGAR REFUGE has something for everyone.
We believe that everyone should have access to the best quality of cigars available. Our special 5A grading system ensures that all kinds of customers can get the cannabis they need, based on price and potency.


When we say top quality product, we mean it. Our selection process is one of the most stringent and exhaustive in the industry, ensuring that we stock only the finest cigars from the most reliable suppliers. As cigars connoisseurs, we guarantee that you will not find such exquisite elsewhere. if you order from CIGAR REFUGE, you can be sure of getting only the best.


There is nothing we focus on more on as a company than the quality of our products, customer happiness and the ease with which we allow our clients to access our services. If you ever have any suggestions on how we can improve, please feel free to let us know!


Our strength, is in our network. Above all else, combined experience in brokering the best cigars in Europe in probably the biggest market in the world, gives us an unbridled advantage to be able to serve you better.


Besides our mature, layered, sophisticated network, our #1 goal and competitive advantage is to be able to offer the industries best customer service. You can help us with our shared goal by contributing to our feedback page now.


We hold ourselves to the same standard we would expect ourselves as perfectionists. That means to you, unrelenting determination to give you the best service humanly possible.

Meet our team

Troy Gray
CEO / Founder

Richy Lace
Marketing Director

Jane Gray
Stock Manager

James Wood
Customer Support