Padron Cigar legacy begun more than 125 years ago by family Patriarch Damaso Padron. His garden for producing world renowned tobaccos was the legendary Pinar del Rio region of the Motherland, Cuba. In 1964 Jose Padron set up shop in Miami and began what we now know as Padron Cigars. He and the family began growing their tobaccos in Nicaragua, in soil and climate very similar to the perfect environment in Cuba. The company was moved to Nicaragua in 1970, and more political upheaval caused significant hardship for the family. But the Padrons were not swayed from producing fantastic cigars. Their will would not be bent. They knew they had the knowledge, experience, seed, soil and vision, so they persevered. In the early 90’s they began showcasing their dynamic product lines at trade shows and the revolution on the commercial side was started.

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $196.00.
Original price was: $380.00.Current price is: $375.00.
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