Bolivar Lusiadas Cigar 2017
The Bolivar Lusiadas Cigar is another release from Bolivar Cigars that aficionados love.
The Cuban cigar was exclusively selected for the Portuguese market
– taking its name from the work of the iconic poet Luís de Camõs. Bolivar Lusiadas Cigar 2017
The Lusíadas wears a much redder-hued wrap than I generally think of for the brand or for cigars in general;
there are samples that look like the clay-rich soil in which they were grown.
a good number of prominent veins, occasional mottling, and a finish that looks a bit rustic,
reminiscent of a cigar or purito rolled without a mold. Bolivar Lusiadas Cigar 2017
The first sample is very firm, almost rock hard, which is concerning,
and the other two are only marginally better.
Even with the cleanly cut, flat foot, I’m not offering much in the way of distinctive aromas,
and I practically have to shove the cigar into my nostril to get a light aroma of the wood.
Featuring a Perfecto vitola – it measures 137mm by a 48-ring gauge.
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